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Raman spectroscopy

The method of laser-based Raman microscopy combines the imaging of a light microscope with the analysis of organic and inorganic compounds. Certain bonds in organic molecules are excited with monochromatic light and the resulting energy difference is registered - the resulting Raman spectrum is considered a chemical fingerprint of the investigated sample.

Area of competence

Your contacts

Benjamin Fiedler

Dr. rer. nat.
Teamleiter Gutachten
Tel +49 7171 10407-33
Fax +49 7171 10407-50

Mail fiedlerifo-gmbhde
Timo Pott

Project engineer
Tel +49 7171 10407-46
Fax +49 7171 10407-50
Mobil +49 162 1049617

Mail timo.pottifo-gmbhde