Improve your Quality

Mortar test according to DIN EN 12206-1

With the mortar test, the resistance of organic layers against mortar can be assessed. Since mortar is alkaline, it must be tested whether the paint layer is damaged by exposure. For this method, a standardised mortar is prepared and applied to the surface. After 24 hours of storage under specified conditions, the exposed area is cleaned and inspected. The test is mainly required by specifications focused on construction and façades, e.g. Qualicoat, GSB and AAMA specifications, and is evaluated accordingly.

Area of competence

Testing standards

  • DIN EN 12206-1

Factory standards

This test is part of the following manufacturer and requirement standards:


AAMA 2603 AAMA 2604 AAMA 2605

Your contacts

Wiebke Schmid

Dipl. Engineer (FH)
Head of Laboratory
Tel +49 7171 10407-51
Fax +49 7171 10407-50
Mobil +49 151 46136991

Mail schmidifo-gmbhde