Improve your Quality

Investigation of damage claims

Analysing damage and defects, identifying what caused them and using that information to come up with ways of improving things in future all fall within the Institut für Oberflächentechnik's remit. Whether a galvanised screw has sustained a brittle fracture or the paint on a steel girder is discolouring after just a few months, we can take these defective products and investigate the damage using a range of analysis techniques. We will deal with your damage claims or complaints quickly and purposefully, be it on the construction site, in the production plant or based on samples you provide to us.

Area of competence

Your contacts

Benjamin Fiedler

Dr. rer. nat.
Teamleiter Gutachten
Tel +49 7171 10407-33
Fax +49 7171 10407-50

Mail fiedlerifo-gmbhde