Improve your Quality

Impact test according to DIN EN ISO 6272-1 / DIN EN ISO 6272-2 / ASTM D2794

With the impact test, the physical resistance and ductility of a coating can be tested in the event of sudden deformation. A standardised body is dropped onto the sample from a variable height in order to examine the deformed area for cracking or layer detachment after the impact.

Area of competence

Testing standards

  • ASTM D2794
  • ASTM D5420
  • DIN EN ISO 6272-1
  • DIN EN ISO 6272-2

Factory standards

This test is part of the following manufacturer and requirement standards:


AAMA 2603 AAMA 2604 AAMA 2605

Deutsche Bahn

DBS 918340


AEP 64

Your contacts

Philip Malchow

M. Sc.
Teamleiter Korrosionsprüfung
Tel +49 7171 10407-52
Fax +49 7171 10407-50

Mail philip.malchowifo-gmbhde
Wiebke Schmid

Dipl. Engineer (FH)
Head of Laboratory
Tel +49 7171 10407-51
Fax +49 7171 10407-50
Mobil +49 151 46136991

Mail schmidifo-gmbhde