Improve your Quality

Gloss measurement in acc. with DIN EN ISO 2813

With a reflectometer, the gloss of a coating can be measured with standardised measuring geometries. The gloss is determined by the reflected portion of a light beam through the surface of the sample at 20, 60 and 85° measuring angles and given in gloss units.

Area of competence

Testing standards

  • ASTM D523
  • DIN EN ISO 2813
  • MBN 10494-4

Factory standards

This test is part of the following manufacturer and requirement standards:

Deutsche Bahn

DBS 918300 DBS 918340


LH 11007172

Mercedes / Daimler

MBN 10494-5


PTL 5580


TL 211

Your contacts

Andreas Eva

M. Sc.
Teamleiter Materialprüfung
Tel +49 7171 10407-20
Fax +49 7171 10407-50

Mail andreas.evaifo-gmbhde
Philip Malchow

M. Sc.
Teamleiter Korrosionsprüfung
Tel +49 7171 10407-52
Fax +49 7171 10407-50

Mail philip.malchowifo-gmbhde