Improve your Quality

Condensation water climate test according to DIN EN ISO 6270-1 / DIN EN ISO 6270-2

With condensation climate testing, a test specimen is continuously exposed to either one-sided (ISO 6270-1) or all-encompassing (ISO 6270-2 CH) water condensation load. In addition, depending on the requirements, cycles with alternating exposure (ISO 6270-2 AHT / AT) can be realized.

Area of competence

Testing standards

  • DIN EN ISO 6270-1
  • DIN EN ISO 6270-2

Factory standards

This test is part of the following manufacturer and requirement standards:

Show standards


AAMA 2603 AAMA 2604 AAMA 2605


GS 94007

Daimler Buses

EVO 132.21

Deutsche Bahn

DBS 918300 DBS 918340


LH 11007172

Mercedes / Daimler

DBL 7384 DBL 7390 DBL 7391 DBL 8451 DBL 9201 MBN 10494-6


PTL 5536 PTL 5538 PTL 5580 PTL 7524


TL 182 TL 211 TL 226 TL 227 TL 256 TL 260 TL 52451

Your contacts

Philip Malchow

M. Sc.
Teamleiter Korrosionsprüfung
Tel +49 7171 10407-52
Fax +49 7171 10407-50

Mail philip.malchowifo-gmbhde
Jeannine Sahin

Tel +49 7171 10407-25
Fax +49 7171 10407-50

Mail jeannine.sahinifo-gmbhde