Improve your Quality

Accelerated weathering test (artificial weathering with xenon arc lamps) according to DIN EN ISO 16474-2 and DIN EN ISO 4892-2

The accelerated weathering tests are among the artificial forms of weathering. The destruction of the surface of plastics or coatings by filtered xenon arc irradiation together with cyclic deionized water spray is tested. This method, also known as "Sun Test", is used to determine weathering resistance of coating materials for exterior and (with the corresponding filters) interior usage.

It is tested according to e.g. VW PV 3929, VW PV 3930, SAE J2527, BMW AA-0235, ISO 2135, ISO 105-B02 and ISO 105-B06.

Area of competence

Testing standards

  • AA-0235
  • DIN EN ISO 16474-2
  • DIN EN ISO 4892-3
  • ISO 105
  • ISO 105-B02
  • ISO 2135
  • PV 3929
  • PV 3930
  • SAE J2527

Factory standards

This test is part of the following manufacturer and requirement standards:


GS 94007

Deutsche Bahn

DBS 918340

Mercedes / Daimler

MBN 10494-6


AEP 64


TL 182 TL 211 TL 212

Your contacts

Andreas Eva

M. Sc.
Teamleiter Materialprüfung
Tel +49 7171 10407-20
Fax +49 7171 10407-50

Mail andreas.evaifo-gmbhde
Philip Malchow

M. Sc.
Teamleiter Korrosionsprüfung
Tel +49 7171 10407-52
Fax +49 7171 10407-50

Mail philip.malchowifo-gmbhde